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"There will never be another woman who owns the look, the personality, and the experience that you do. Those ingredients make up the recipe that defines who you are, and it's your gift from the Lord- own it!"

Get plugged in today.

Every day God is preparing you for special times and opportunities in your life. Even if you feel at times that you are going nowhere, remember Esther, that her moment to shine took years in the making. You may not save an entire nation, but God will place people in your life that you will make an impact on. See every day as an opportunity to make a difference in another life. The first way to become a woman of impact is to realize that God has a purpose and a plan for every life. Esther has such an amazing story because you wouldn't see winning a beauty contest as part of God's plan, but God's ways are higher than our ways. Today, let me encourage every woman that God has placed you in this world for certain purposes that only you can fill. It's your Prime Time to do something for God.


Esther 4:14

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